Monday, May 25, 2020

The Origin Of The Egyptian Religion - 1113 Words

Horus is one of the oldest and most meaningful deities in agent Egyptian religion. He was worshiped through the late predynastic period and through the Greco Roman times. From as far back as we know the Egyptians believed that Osiris was of divine origin, that he suffered death and mutilation at the hands of evil, and after a great struggle with these powers he rose again, that he then became the king of the underworld and judge of the dead, and because he had conquered death the honorable also might conquer death (Horus of Edfu). There is so much that we have learned about Horus, from who he was before he was a God, to who he symbolizes, and the different ways of representation. Horus’s mother was the Goddess Isis and his father was Osiris. Isis fled from Set to give birth to Horus safely, knowing Set would want to kill Horus as he already killed Osiris. Horus then became Set’s enemy, eventually defeating Set, thus avenging his father and assuming the rule. Horus emerg ed as a local god in many places and with different names. Some of the names were Harmakhis â€Å"Horus in the Horizon†, Harpocrates â€Å"Horus the Child† and, Harsiesis â€Å"Horus, Son of Isis (Horus, Encyclopedia). Horus became the universal name for many different gods associated with falcons. From the 1st dynasty onward, Horus and the god Set were presented as perpetual antagonists who were reconciled in the harmony of Upper and Lower Egypt. Featured as a royal man with the head of a falcon or hawk, Horus often holdsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud Essay817 Words   |  4 Pagestook up residency with his family so that they could escape Nazi harassment against Jewish people in Austria; this is the area that Freud felt safe. Sigmund Freud was Jewish, and he opposed anti-Semitism. Freud was refused promotions because of his religion. Freud’s anti- Semitic generation of this time would not pay interest to his ideas. Discrimi nation was out of control in the late 1920s when Sigmund Freud wrote for a moment on the way that Jews were being treated. He could not understand why, givenRead MoreEssay about Religion in Ancient China and Egypt1569 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Dixon 1 Daniel Dixon Dr. Campbell History 114 3/20/14 Religion in Ancient China and Egypt Religion has played a very important role in society and the history of mankind for over thousands of years. Originally created by ancient peoples as a way to explain the unknown, religion has greatly evolved and spread across the globe. As new religions have formed and spread, the diversity and similarities between these new religions have also increased, especially due to their geographic locationsRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Ancient Greece And Greek Medicine1675 Words   |  7 Pagesfor modern medical practice today. These various resources will help to illuminate and explore the rituals, religions, beliefs about life and death, knowledge, illness, cures and medical practices in the everyday life of the people from that time period. One of the biggest reasons why these two civilizations were so different is due to their geography. Many scholars believe that the Egyptians power structure, which was reflected in the erection of their monumental structures, was due to the easy accessRead MoreThe Artifacts And Artifacts Of Pottery Of The East Coast Of Crete Near The Palace At Zakros Essay1342 Words   |  6 Pagesartifacts are of differing origin. Some show distinct ancient Minoan culture with scenes of bulls and the common double axe symbol on semiglobular cups, bridge-spouted jars, beaked jugs. These works of ancient art are from Bronze Age Greece’s Late Minoan IA. Other artifacts show Egyptian origins with hieroglyphics on tablets and potteries; along with small religious figurines that resemble Egyptian gods. The most relevant artifact could be a meter-long vase ,most likely a Egyptian wine amphora, with LinearRead MoreThe Egyptian Religion And Religion911 Words   |  4 PagesAncient Egyptians had a hi story that flourished for three thousand years before fading from existence around the time existence around the time of the roman invasion. They created a culture so rich and diverse, that its influence still affects today’s western world. The ancient Egyptians were polytheistic in nature and the rich polytheistic culture and rituals shaped their daily life, art, religious beliefs, funerary practices and kingship. The ancient Egyptian religion is centered on deities andRead MoreThe Ancient Egyptian Civilization1692 Words   |  7 Pages The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Over a period of three thousand years many kingdoms and dynasties came into power and many died away into oblivion. One thing that kept Egyptian’s works and memories alive were the scriptures they wrote. Today, from these scriptures written on the wall (or on papyrus) have helped Egyptologists to uncover the secrets and the lives of the ancient Egyptia ns. A major understanding we have from these scriptures and otherRead MoreMythology Research of Egyptian God Amun-Re Essay928 Words   |  4 Pageswhich describe the phases of life that Amun-Re goes through each day.†(Budge, Pg. 92) When examining the ancient Egyptian god Amun-Re, four main points must be understood, including: the origin of Amun-Re, the characteristics of Amun-Re, how Amun-Re was worshiped, and how Amun-Re impacted Egyptian life. First, is the discussion of the origin of Amun-Re. â€Å"Re, is an ancient Egyptian solar deity (also spelled â€Å"Ra†). Re’s association with the sun meant that he was understood to be an important forceRead MoreAncient Egyptians And The Egyptian Hieroglyphs1493 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The Egyptian hieroglyphs were a prescribed writing system by the ancient Egyptians to represent their language, it was a combined system with logographic and alphabetic elements. Logographic systems were the earliest form of writing system, which were used in Africa, China and Central America (History-world, 2015). Egyptians used hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and wood. The early hieroglyphs dates back to 3,300 BCE and was still used up until the end of the fourth centuryRead MoreAncient Egypt : The Egyptian God Anubis Essay1244 Words   |  5 PagesAncient Egypt is the origin to one of the most intricate belief systems in the world. This polytheistic religion was composed of various beliefs and rituals. Polytheistic means that they believed in many deities. All of which were linked to the common theme of immortality. Religion laid the foundation for all aspects of Egyptian lives, political structure, cultural achievement and art. Their religion consisted of up 200 0 gods and goddess. Only some were worshiped universally throughout Egypt. TheyRead MoreMesopotamia, Egypt and China Essay871 Words   |  4 Pagesthese ancient civilizations definitely had their differences and also their similarities. A. Mesopotamia Mesopotamia was divided into city-states. They saw each city-state as a divine copy of heaven on earth. They viewed kingship as divine in origin. One could also view Mesopotamia as a primitive democracy. They had a consul responsible for everyday affairs and a government to administer the laws. The king Hammurabi of Mesopotamia wrote down a code of law. The Code of Hammurabi was harsh and

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Cómo sacar el pasaporte americano por primera vez

Los ciudadanos sin pasaporte americano deberà ­an solicitarlo ya que este  documento no sà ³lo garantiza su regreso a los Estados Unidos en los casos de viajes internacionales sino que, ademà ¡s, es un documento que sirve para  acreditar  la ciudadanà ­a y la identidad. Por esas razones es muy conveniente sacarlo tan pronto como se pueda. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre quà © documentos presentar, dà ³nde solicitarlo, el caso especial de los menores, quà © hacer en caso de extraviar el pasaporte y quà © otros documentos pueden utilizarse en algunos controles migratorios. Dà ³nde hay que presentarse cuando se solicita por primera vez el pasaporte americano Cuando se solicita el pasaporte americano por primera vez dentro de los Estados Unidos, es necesario hacerlo en persona en una Agencia de Pasaportes o en una Oficina Autorizada  y presentando los documentos que se especifican en el siguiente apartado. Si se solicita en el extranjero es necesario hacer una cita con la embajada americana o con el consulado que corresponda segà ºn el lugar de residencia del solicitante. Por ejemplo, el caso de un nià ±o que nace en otro paà ­s pero que adquiere la ciudadanà ­a americana por derecho de sangre. En estos casos, cada oficina consular sigue sus propias reglas sobre cà ³mo hacer la cita, pero los documentos a presentar son en todas partes los mismos y son los que se detallan a continuacià ³n. Documentos para sacar el pasaporte americano por primera vez Deberà ¡ completarse correctamente  el formulario DS-11Probar que se es ciudadano de EEUU (certificado de nacimiento,  naturalizacià ³n o cualquier otro documento que sirve para acreditar la ciudadanà ­a)Probar con documentos legales admisibles el nombre de la persona (licencia de matrimonio, licencia de manejar...)Entregar una foto de pasaporte de menos de seis meses de antigà ¼edad a color Reglas para sacar el pasaporte de USA que aplican a menores de edad Solicitar pasaportes americanos para nià ±os tiene reglas especiales sobre presencia del menor y de los padres. Deberà ¡ aportarse el Nà ºmero de Seguridad Social de al menos uno de los padres.  Y si sà ³lo un padre tiene la custodia del menor, deberà ¡ acreditarse tal hecho mediante un documento, por ejemplo, certificado de viudedad, decreto de divorcio, etc. Tipos de tarifa para solicitar pasaporte americano Su costo final va a depender de la edad del solicitante y de si se pide una tramitacià ³n urgente o no y de si se pide conjuntamente con una tarjeta de pasaporte.  Aquà ­ se especifican todas las opciones de costo del pasaporte. Tiempo de tramitacià ³n Generalmente se tarda entre 4 y seis semanas en renovar el pasaporte pero puede pagarse una tarifa de $60 dà ³lares para acelerar el proceso a apenas una semana. Ademà ¡s, si existiera una emergencia, se puede tramitar de urgencia. Pà ©rdida o extravà ­o de pasaporte americano Si le roban su pasaporte americano o si lo pierde debe notificarlo inmediatamente de la siguiente manera: A Embajada o el consulado correspondiente, si el titular del pasaporte americano se encuentra en el extranjeroPor el contrario, si està ¡ en Estados Unidos, por telà ©fono marcando al 1-877-487-2778, de lunes a viernes de 8am a 10 pm hora de la costa Atlà ¡ntica (E.T.).Tambià ©n es posible completando el formulario DS-64y envià ¡ndolo a la direccià ³n que en à ©l aparece.Por à ºltimo, si se desea obtener un nuevo pasaporte, entonces deberà ¡ acudir en persona con el formulario DS-64 y DS-11 a una Oficina Autorizada o a una Agencia de Pasaportes. No notificar la pà ©rdida del pasaporte puede ser un gran quebradero de cabeza ya que puede dar lugar a situaciones de robo de identidad. Verificacià ³n del estado de tramitacià ³n del pasaporte Puede chequear el estado de la tramitacià ³n de su pasaporte en la pà ¡gina oficial del Departamento de Estado. En todos los asuntos oficiales, como por ejemplo, este de solicitar el pasaporte, es fundamental asegurarse de que se utilizan pà ¡ginas oficiales del gobierno, las cuales tienen la extensià ³n .gov Tips para la renovacià ³n del pasaporte Cuando expire el pasaporte, puede renovarse por correo siempre y cuando se cumplan ciertos requisitos, como que el pasaporte expirado està © en buen estado. Tambià ©n es importante la edad del solicitante y si se trata o no de la primera renovacià ³n de pasaporte que se realiza de adulto. Por otro lado  y a diferencia de lo que ocurre con los residentes permanentes los ciudadanos pueden residir en el extranjero por el tiempo que asà ­ lo deseen. No hay là ­mites legales. Si el pasaporte expira estando fuera de los Estados Unidos, la renovacià ³n se puede hacer a travà ©s de consulados y embajadas. Pasaporte y Real I.D. A partir de octubre de 2020 no serà ¡ posible embarcar en los vuelos internos en EE.UU. con una licencia de manejar o de identificar regular ya que serà ¡ necesario tener una que cumpla con los requisitos de Real I.D. Si no se tiene, es posible embarcar utilizando el pasaporte estadounidense como documento de identificacià ³n. Documentos para acelerar paso por control migratorio para regresar a USA El pasaporte se puede utilizar en todo tipo de pasos migratorios para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, en casos muy particulares como tipo de frontera y edad del ciudadano, se pueden utilizar otros documentos  que conviene conocer. Ademà ¡s  los ciudadanos americanos pueden participar en programas que permiten un ingreso mà ¡s rà ¡pido cuando se regresa a Estados Unidos, las reglas son diferentes segà ºn el tipo de frontera y lugar de llegada. Nexus: entre Canadà ¡ y Estados UnidosGlobal Entry o APC cuando se llega por aeropuertoSENTRI para el cruce por frontera terrestre o marà ­tima de Mà ©xico a Estados Unidos.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay On King Henry Viii - 1961 Words

King Henry VIII He is a womanizer that cannot stay faithful to save his life! That is what many people think about King Henry VIII, but he was so much more. He was both a Visionary Leader and an Unethical Leader when he transformed his country during the English Reformation. In my first main point, King Henry VIII displayed two lesson principles as a Visionary Leader. He was a Creator from the Team Dynamics lesson when he created his plan for change. Then he practiced Management-by-Exception-Active as a transactional leader in the Full Range Leadership lesson when he rewarded or punished members for their actions. In my second main point, King Henry VIII displayed two lesson principles as an Unethical Leader. He practiced†¦show more content†¦King Henry VIII is famous for cutting ties with the Catholic Church and standing up the Church of England with himself as the only leader, under god. When he brainstormed this idea, he filled the role of a Creator as seen in the Team Dynamics lesson. The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE] (2016) states, a â€Å"Creator† exhibits certain behaviors like â€Å"May act impulsively, letting your feelings guide actions, decisions, or behaviors† and â€Å"often generate fresh, original concepts and new ideas in ways that defy generally accepted structures or rules† (p. 8). His actions clearly describe the characteristics of a Creator when he defied the social norm of the time and let his feelings guide his actions. If he did not fill this role, to create the plan, his country would not have transformed. His effective use of this role supports my claim that he is a Visionary Leader. Additionally, King Henry VIII’s behavior told me he used the Management-by-Exception-Active behavior component as a transactional leader, according to the Full Range Leadership lesson. He is notorious for being very generous to those that pleased him and ruthless to those that fell ou t of his favor. As I learned from our course, â€Å"Transactional Leadership† is â€Å"reinforcing desired follower behavior through rewards or consequences.† (BCEE, 2016, p. 7) I definitely think he took an active role inShow MoreRelatedKing Henry Viii Essay709 Words   |  3 PagesKing Henry VIII Henry VIII (born 1491, ruled 1509-1547). The second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York was one of Englands strongest and least popular monarchs. He was born at Greenwich on June 28, 1491. The first English ruler to be educated under the influence of the Renaissance, he was a gifted scholar, linguist, composer, and musician. As a youth he was gay and handsome, skilled in all manner of athletic games, but in later life he became coarse and fat. When his elder brother, ArthurRead MoreEssay on King Henry VIII2183 Words   |  9 PagesKing Henry VIII Born the second son of a royal family, Henry Tudor lived a very interesting life. His future was intended to be the head of the Roman Catholic Church and that fate ended with the death of his brother, Prince Arthur. Henry’s majestic life was full of sports, women, and faith. The young King acceded his father to the throne, married six women, and began the English Reformation when he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created his own religion. On the 28th day of JuneRead MoreThe Wives of King Henry VIII Essay2035 Words   |  9 PagesThe Wives of King Henry VIII William Penn once said, â€Å"Kings in this world should imitate God, their mercy should be above their works. This would clearly be the best case scenario for a king, but King Henry VIII acted directly opposite to this quote. Henry was a man hungry for power and willing to hurt whoever stood in his way, he proved this by his extensive history with women. Henry Tudor, most commonly known as King Henry VIII, was born on June 28, 1491, to mother, Elizabeth of York and fatherRead MoreHenry VIII: The Narcissistic King Essay2285 Words   |  10 PagesWhen Henry VIII ascended to the throne in 1509, he became yet another English monarch without absolute power over his realm. Despite not having the same authority as his contemporary European monarchs, Henry was the recipient of two very important prerequisites for a successful reign. The first was a full treasury and the second was a peaceful transfer of power, which had been anything but certain in England since the War of the Roses. At first he was content to enjoy the fruits of his father’s laborRead MoreKing Henry VIII: The Musical Court Essay1287 Words   |  6 Pages King Henry VIII was born in 1491, and became king in 1509, until his death in 1547. He is probably most known for his six marriages, which he had two of his former wives beheaded. As king, Henry VIII was responsible for separating England from the Roman Catholic Church creating the newly formed Church of England. As a result of this reformation, King Henry VIII discontinued all monasteries serving Rome in England to get rid of all Catholic influences which ultimately led to a new form of churchRead MoreThe Tudors Effect On The English Church Essay1303 Words   |  6 Pages Argument Persuasion Essay: The Tudors Effect on the English Church â€Å"Nothing would be the same for any woman in this country again. From this time onward no wife, however obedient, however loving, would be safe. For everyone would know that if a wife such as Queen Katherine of England could be put aside for no reason, then any wife could be put aside.† (Gregory, 2002, 276) The Tudor dynasty was a well-known royal family during England in the 1500’s. The best known, and discussed ruler during thisRead MoreThe Tudors Effect On History Essay1306 Words   |  6 Pages Argument Persuasion Essay: The Tudors Effect on History â€Å"Nothing would be the same for any woman in this country again†¦. For everyone would know that if a wife such as Queen Katherine of England could be put aside for no reason, then any wife could be put aside.† (Gregory, 2002, 276) The Tudor dynasty was a well-known royal family during England in the 1500’s. The best known, and discussed ruler during this time was King Henry the VIII. He is known for his many wives, specifically six, and alsoRead MoreThornbury Castle Essay707 Words   |  3 Pages A feature of the Tudor era was a long period where the country was ruled by powerful monarchs (in particular Henry VII, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I). Unlike the medieval period, where lords and barons with private armies fought regularly over land rights, the country was united under strong leadership. The castles built, for example these constructed by Henry VIII (such as Deal in 1539) were for national defence. Castles were no longer constructed by barons as they had been Read MoreHenry Viii And The Succession1438 Words   |  6 Pages From 1533 to 1553 the succession line in England dismembered itself into a churning goblet of contrasting egos. (hook) One minute Henry VIII was declaring his first born child a Bastard and his second child, the rightful ruler of England, the next minute he swore that both were bastards, and therefore needed to make a formal will. By doing this, Henry VIII had the unusual opportunity to choose his successor(s). First in line would be his new son, then his â€Å"bastard† daughters who would be named legitimateRead MoreThe Reformation Of The King s Romance With Anne Boleyn Or Popular Discontent Essay1860 Words   |  8 PagesReformation and led to the Church of England breaking away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. The purpose of this essay is to argue that the most decisive feature of the Henrician reformation was the King’s determination to conceive a male heir, in order to prevent another succession crisis, like those of 1453 and 1461. In doing so, the essay will provide evidence that supports the prominence of this claim over the claims that religious differences with the Catholic Church, the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Implementing Responsive Web Design Enhanced -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Implementing Responsive Web Design Enhanced? Answer: Introduction There used to be a time when web designers and clients had to spend extra resources and bucks in the designing and development of separate websites to for different screens. Now, various gadgets with a variety of screen resolutions can run the same website. The Queensland University of Technology, in their official website, has adapted a responsive web design layout. The website is aimed at providing an interactive and informative interface to the students from the university or the aspirants who wish to seek admission in the university. The websites purpose and objectives are described in detail through this report. Certain features of the website shall also be highlighted. This report draws keen attention to the interactive and the design aspects of their responsive website. The website is critically evaluated with the help of the Responsive Web Design (RWD) principles and the Google Chrome Simulator to test various display simulations. The Queensland University of Technology website The QUT website is the official business website of this university from Queensland. The University is counted amongst one of the most famous universities in Australia. Through the website, they wish to reach out to millions all over the world and promote their institute. The website helps the viewers to learn everything about the website. The website provides detailed information about the various courses that are offered by the University. The Universities research plans are also mentioned in the website. The aspirants can browse through the research section of the website and gain knowledge about the universitys way of conducting research and studies. Further, the website highlights how the University offers customized corporate education to enhance their students industry experience before they move out into the corporate world. The website also preaches about the Universitys initiatives to provide government and private sector internship opportunities, alongside research and car eer consultancy. Lastly, the website tends to educate the viewers with the campus map. They provide details of the facilities that each of their campus offers, in addition to the extra-curricular events and programs held in the various public venues around the city. Being a university website, provides all the necessary features required by the University students or other aspirants to know more about their education in the university. Special Features The website offers quite a handsome set of features that are useful for educational purposes. The website provides a useful navigation bar that assists the user to browse through different sections or pages of the website. A navigation bar within a webpage is always necessary. It is a form of user interface that consists of precious links to take the users to other sections of the website. This clearly means that, in whichever page is the user surfing currently, with the guidance of the navigation bar he can promptly access other pages as well. In addition to the navigation bar feature, the website also has a good search engine optimization. Whenever the search engines are hit with a search query about the Queensland University of Technology, the website and its other modules are shown in the results. This makes it easy for the users to search for specific information about the website. This feature also helps the University to reach out to the public, thus enhancing its publicity aspects. The website contains a well-featured list of contact details of the university, its various campuses and of the different sections of education that the University offers. The students, guardians and aspirants are offered with this feature to reach out to the university and query their claims, complaints, concerns or questions. The Search Staff and Contact feature helps the users to search for the contacts of particular staff member or of specific course departments. A live map with pointer locations to the various campuses is also attached with navigable abilities. The website allows viewers to login to the website and access the services as a registered user. For new visitors, the website has the feature to sign in as a member. The visitors are asked to link their Australian Access Federation account to the website account in order to sign in. Certain security measures are also adapted in this process, which the QUT website puts in. These security features are to be discussed in details in a later section of the report. The News section of the website is a phenomenal feature. The section is flashed regularly with news and updates from the research, technological and other educational fields, from all over QUT. In addition, the facility that it offers for International students to educate themselves about the ongoing and course details of the University is a special point out as well. The social media handle links are elegantly displayed beneath every page of the website. This is a very important feature offered by almost every modern day websites. This feature serves various important functions for the promotion and adds greatly to the usability aspects of the website. Lastly, the main feature of any website that attracts the majority of traffic is the design of it. The responsive design of the website is a key lookout. A responsive web design is the need of the hour for any website. This allows users to visit and browse the website from any device of their choice, without having to worry about the visibility layout issues due to change in screen resolution (Bryant and Jones 2012). All the above mentioned features shall be discussed in details with keen attention towards the pros and cons of each. This will help to identify all the positive and negative aspects of the website. Critical evaluation In this section, the website will be critically evaluated with regards to identifying all positive and negative aspects of its features. The website has quite a quality amount of features available for the visitors. All the features that have been mentioned above are extremely useful but in the same time, they need evaluation. The ability of these features must be tested to get a clear overview about the working of the same. Each feature that the website provides are to be thoroughly used and tested in different screen resolutions and evaluated accordingly. The positive aspects of the website Not all features are perfectly implemented in the website. However, there are plenty of great design implementations highlighted through the website. The website promises the best operational and servicing facilities through some of their features. The positive aspects of the website are listed and discussed below: Responsive relative layout: The website can remodel itself according to the screen size on which it is accessed from. After running the website on all the recommended screen resolutions through the Google Chrome Simulator, it can be stated that the website can easily adapt itself with the changing screen sizes. All the options, tabs, images and texts presented in the website align themselves perfectly on every available screen resolutions or devices. Unlike static units of a non-responsive webpage where contents maintain their sizes no matter the resolution changes and provide a poor interface, the relative layout is a smart and useful technique. One great aspect of resolution-based customization can be observed in the navigation bar adjustment. In medium sized mobile-based screens like 480x640 or even smaller 200x320, the navigation bar does not appear in the same way as it does in the broad-screen view. The navigation tabs coil up into one unit and is found in the navigation button. The functioning of the tabs, however remain the same. The Navigation Bar: The navigation bar that bosses the entire websites road map has been designed with utter supremacy. Each of the tabs presented in the navigation bar allow flexible hyper-linking to the other important pages on the website. The visitors can easily navigate back and forth a webpage through this. However, here it has been designed with an eye to do more than just simple webpage navigation. On hovering over each tab of the navigation bar, the user can view the respective contents of that particular page in a gist. On hovering away from the respective tab, the floating information page disappears. This helps the users to decide beforehand on whether to visit the tab or not, depending on its contents. These tabs are found inside the navigation buttons in smaller screens as mentioned above. Flow of contents: The contents of the website do not coincide with each other when the screen size is altered. Rather, they adjust their layout accordingly to maintain the original spacing and margin specifications. The figure below shows this aspect of the website with contrast to other static designs. The Search Feature: The search option works pretty fast and with utmost accuracy. It also provides the user with the opportunity to navigate between the fields that they wish to search in. This makes it simpler to search for the exact query, amongst multiple similar results. Use of graphics: The graphical images used in the website are of high quality. The images do not pixelate at any level of stretching. It must also be noted that the images used are very attractive and they help to convey the exact message of the respective web page. The Negative aspects of the website On close study of the website, several more aspects of the website could be framed out. Apart from the above mentioned pros of the website and its design, below, the negative aspects of the same shall be highlighted. They are as follows: The cover image layout: On reducing the screen size in the simulator to fit the size of a medium or small mobile device, the cover image layout does not fit in properly. The image crops out from one side. This portrays a negative aspect of the websites design. The image change buttons on the cover images: On opening the website on a smaller screen, these buttons disappear. This seems to be quite a mentionable flaw in the design of the website. The ability to swipe among these images also disappears in the mobile versions. In order to make the design responsive, the designer must have had to drop this feature. Reviews by two other persons While reviewing the site we found that there are some links on the pages that contains a long block of text that is intended to use meta tags. This meta tags helps the web sites to have a better rank in the search engine results so that the existing and the potential users find the sites easily without spending time and effort in searching the site. In addition to that, some of the internal links does not have any text indicating their destination where as it is important for the links to describe their destination. This helps in improving both SEO (search engine optimization) and the users interaction with the site. While testing and analyzing the site we found that, with a slow internet speed the website is rendered multiple times on the device screen. This happened due to the lack of use of the height and width tags for the images on the webpages. Recommendations for the improvements of the site In order to improve the quality of the user experience as well as its online presence. In our investigation, we found that, the there are some page in the website that are not optimized using the CSS for the Printing purpose. Therefore, it is suggested to the use the required CSS to make the pages optimized for printing. Again, the images on different pages of this site are not placed on the pages using the height and width HTML tags. Due to this reason, multiple images are stretched on the web pages of the site and the pages of the site took more time to load completely in the browser. Even though these tags (height and width tags) are optional but these tags help the browsers to arrange the page with a faster speed while keeping the defined image size on the pages of the site. In further investigation of the site, we found that the site does not use any sitemap. The sitemap is important for a site as well as for its visitors. Use of sitemaps provides multiple benefits for the website, the sitemaps not only make the navigation process easier and better but also it helps the site to improve the visibility in the search results of different search engines. It offers the prospect to notify the search engines immediately after any modifications on the pages of the web site. Relevance with the RWD principle The pages of the given site ( maintained the consistent layout and style across the total site. In addition to that, the contents on the pages are placed at the appropriate locations as required to the site hierarchy. After completing any action on the different pages of the website, the visitor or the user gets appropriate responses against their actions. On the pages, there are sufficient information about their positions in between a process. For the users the pages of the site also provide simple error handling for the users who may have entered some invalid input in some input field and as well as in a search field on the web pages. In addition to that the pages of the visitors or the users of the site can easily reverse their action at any point of time they realize that they have committed some mistake in their previous actions (Mohorovi?i? 2013). On the pages of the site, there are sufficient visual indications or prompts for the visitors/user so that they can find out the functionality of a control item. Therefore, the users do not have to recall things in order to understand the ongoing process on the pages. Simulation software tools used for review For the review of the site, we have used the google developer tools. The advantage and the disadvantages of these tools are described below; Advantages Use of this simulation tool helps in the testing of the website in multiple screen sizes for a provided smartphone/tablet device, which leads to lessening the cost for the testing of the websites. In addition to that, one of the most important factors in case of mobile and tablet devices is the touch event, which cannot be done on the desktops whereas chrome device emulator can easily imitate and respond against single touch events. Disadvantages Even though the google chrome device emulator is helpful in testing the site in different view ports, but as the emulator cannot emulate the rendering engine of a physical device then it represents some erroneous results. The rendering engine of a site consist of codes that interprets the HTML, CSS and JS for a site and presents in front of the user of the site. Other tools to test responsiveness This is an online tool that checks the responsiveness of a site using the pixel values and orientation of the device (Kim 2013). Screenfly: This is another testing site that tests a site with different pixel values and screen lengths. In addition to that, the tool detects the URL of the entered site if it has a mobile version and redirects as well as represents the site. Conclusion As a conclusion, it can be stated that even though the website provides the viewers with all necessary information and couple of interesting features, it lags behind in certain aspects of designing. The report also states that the use of graphics and layouts are fine enough to make it look attractive on any device. However, the reviews from the peers bring to light that the website has serious flaws in the implementation of responsive design concepts. The use of proper CSS and HTML code concepts is recommended along with site mapping. References Bryant, J. and Jones, M., 2012. Responsive web design. InPro HTML5 Performance(pp. 37-49). Apress, Berkeley, CA. Kim, B., 2013. Responsive web design, discoverability, and mobile challenge.Library technology reports,49(6), pp.29-39. Mohorovi?i?, S., 2013, May. Implementing responsive web design for enhanced web presence. InInformation Communication Technology Electronics Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2013 36th International Convention on(pp. 1206-1210). IEEE. QUT. (2018).Home. [online] Available at: