Monday, May 25, 2020

The Origin Of The Egyptian Religion - 1113 Words

Horus is one of the oldest and most meaningful deities in agent Egyptian religion. He was worshiped through the late predynastic period and through the Greco Roman times. From as far back as we know the Egyptians believed that Osiris was of divine origin, that he suffered death and mutilation at the hands of evil, and after a great struggle with these powers he rose again, that he then became the king of the underworld and judge of the dead, and because he had conquered death the honorable also might conquer death (Horus of Edfu). There is so much that we have learned about Horus, from who he was before he was a God, to who he symbolizes, and the different ways of representation. Horus’s mother was the Goddess Isis and his father was Osiris. Isis fled from Set to give birth to Horus safely, knowing Set would want to kill Horus as he already killed Osiris. Horus then became Set’s enemy, eventually defeating Set, thus avenging his father and assuming the rule. Horus emerg ed as a local god in many places and with different names. Some of the names were Harmakhis â€Å"Horus in the Horizon†, Harpocrates â€Å"Horus the Child† and, Harsiesis â€Å"Horus, Son of Isis (Horus, Encyclopedia). Horus became the universal name for many different gods associated with falcons. From the 1st dynasty onward, Horus and the god Set were presented as perpetual antagonists who were reconciled in the harmony of Upper and Lower Egypt. Featured as a royal man with the head of a falcon or hawk, Horus often holdsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud Essay817 Words   |  4 Pagestook up residency with his family so that they could escape Nazi harassment against Jewish people in Austria; this is the area that Freud felt safe. Sigmund Freud was Jewish, and he opposed anti-Semitism. Freud was refused promotions because of his religion. Freud’s anti- Semitic generation of this time would not pay interest to his ideas. 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